Wes-Tex Printing

Standard Ink CMYK Values: 

To simulate our standard ink colors on Business Cards & Business Cards + Foil, use these CMYK values.

ColorCMYK Values
PMS Black60.40.40.100
PMS Process Blue100.19.1.10
PMS Reflex Blue100.72.0.12
PMS Yellow0.3.100.0
PMS 166 (Orange)
PMS 168 (Brown)
PMS 200 (Red)
PMS 208 (Maroon)
PMS 267 (Purple)
PMS 321 (Teal)
PMS 343 (Dark Green)
PMS 348 (Green)
PMS 431 (Gray)
PMS 873 (Gold) (does not print metallic)

-no neon or metallic colors

Based on the selection of product size and additional option attributes, you can view and download the help template for the product.